
How can I post my Profile


Posting your profile in 36knockout matrimony services is very simple and easy going process. just fill up our Registration form .before filling our registration form get ready with your one single photo,adhar card number.Once We Recieve Your Details our executive will call you and Explain the process and Payment details within 48 hrs.


Why Adhar card number is requaired?


aadhar card number is just for identitification and photo proof.aadhar will not shown to public .Its just for Internal Use for KYC.


What Are the Fees and Charges


Our Fees for Single bride/groom Profile - 1500 INR/50 USD for 6 Month.Fees for Divorced/Widow profile - 3000/100 USD for 6 Months


What if I am Divorced,Widow,Widower


If you are Divorced then you Must provide Marriage Certificate and Court Agreement . If you are Widow/Widower then must Provide Marriage Certificate and death Certificate


How can Pay to portal?


Our payment method is simple.you can pay electronically by Paytm or Google Pay or BHIM app. Once We Recieve the Payment our executive will call you and Explain the process and details within 48 hrs.


How someone can Contact to My Profile


36knockout matrimony portal Provides you to comfort from lots of calls/SMS/whatsapp messages. we will not shown your any contact information on public.Intrest will come to you through mails only . thats mail will be sent by our team only after scruitning of intrest Related to your profile




Our web portal www.36knockout.com's matrimony Classified is for informational purposes only and our classified does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information.The materials contained in the "36knockout.com Matrimony Classified" website have been compiled on the basis of information provided by the User and are subject to change without notice, as well as for any errors or omissions or for any comments, feedback and Not responsible for advertisements.We are providing this information to you only as a convenience and our website does not endorse any news or link.




हमारा वेब पोर्टल www.36knockout.com की matrimony Classfifed केवल सूचना के उद्देश्यों के लिए है और हमारा क्लासिफाइड किसी भी जानकारी की सटीकता, पर्याप्तता या पूर्णता की गारंटी नहीं देता है ।"36knockout.com Matrimony Classified" वेबसाइट में शामिल सामग्रियों को यूजर द्वारा दिए गए सूचना के आधार पर संकलित किया गया है और बिना किसी नोटिस के परिवर्तन के अधीन हैं ,साथ ही किसी भी त्रुटि या चूक के लिए या किसी भी टिप्पणी, प्रतिक्रिया और विज्ञापनों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं है। हम आपको केवल एक सुविधा के रूप में ये जानकारी प्रदान कर रहे है।किसी भी समाचार अथवा लिंक को हमारा वेबसाइट समर्थन नहीं करता है।